Categories: Animals/PetslifeQuiz

Can You Spot The 8-Foot Snake That Sent The Owners Of This Garden Running

©Snake Catchers Brisbane

A photo of a backyard has gone viral after snake catchers challenged the people to try and spot the reptile.


The picture was taken in Brisbane, Australia, where a shocked Corinda resident called for help after taking a closer look at their garden.

©Snake Catchers Brisbane

Can you see anything unusual in the picture? As it happens, there is a giant, 8-foot carpet python hiding among the debris.


After arriving at the home, snake catcher Bryan Robinson inspected the area and caught the reptile. He also took a picture of the backyard before sharing it on social media and urging people to spot the snake.

“Spot the snake time! Some suburban yards are just purpose built for snakes,” the Snake Catchers Brisbane employee wrote on Facebook.


Soon enough, the picture went viral and people couldn’t help but feel confused after not seeing anything but timber, grass, and vegetation all over the backyard.

©Snake Catchers Brisbane

Fortunately, some of the viewers managed to solve the mystery by spotting the reptile and pointing out its location to other people.


So, can you see the s-s-snake yet? If not, check out the picture below!

©Snake Catchers Brisbane

Did you manage to find the snake without help? As people were quick to suggest, it’s important to keep the surroundings of our homes neat to avoid getting unsuspected visitors looking for refuge.

Credit – SssnakeySci

If you didn’t manage to finish the challenge, here’s another photo featuring a hidden snake. Take a look and find the reptile!


Can you see the snake? In case you need a bit of help, the reptile in the photo is right in front of you in the center of the photo!

Check out the photo below for the solution!

Credit – SssnakeySci

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