Categories: FunlifeQuiz

What’s Wrong With This Picture? Only 1 In 10 People Can Spot The Mistake!

Mind teasers are a great way to challenge your brain and put your free time to good use.


One interesting puzzle has recently begun circulating on social media after baffled internet users failed to solve a seemingly innocent problem.

Source – Pexels

The puzzle revolves around a room filled with office stuff, whereas your job is to take a close look at the picture and find out what’s wrong with it.


While this may sound easy, keep in mind that most people struggle with spotting the mistake and need help in identifying it.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Source – GPuzzles.com

What were your first thoughts after taking a look at the photo? As you can see, the office table is full of objects such as a laptop, lamp, mouse, telephone, calendar, cellphone, and a cup. But can you see anything wrong with these things? Perhaps the answer lies in the chair or the table itself?


Have another look at the photo before scrolling down for the solution!

Before you call it quits, here’s a hint that will definitely help you solve the puzzle! There is something wrong with the laptop. Look closely at the gadget!

If you’re still not sure what you’re looking for, feel free to check out the solution in the picture below!

Source – GPuzzles.com

As you can see, the laptop on the table is missing the space bar. The space bar is the longest key on the keyboard and is located in the lowermost row of the keyboard. In this case, however, it’s missing!


If you liked this challenge, here’s another spot-the-mistake puzzle waiting for you. Take a look at the picture below and find out what’s wrong with it!

©Sergey Raskovalov for Bright Side

At first glance, it looks like an astronaut is standing on the Moon and posing for a photo next to a spacecraft and the American Flag.


If you look closely, however, you can see a major mistake. Focus on the background!

That’s right, there’s an extra moon in the picture! Since the astronaut is on the Moon, we should see Earth in the distance.

©Sergey Raskovalov for Bright Side

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