Categories: FunlifeQuiz

If You Find Out What’s Wrong With This Picture In Less Than A Minute You Win!

Get ready to test your visual skills and challenge your brain with a confusing picture riddle for adults.


If you’re already familiar with this type of puzzles, you probably know that spotting mistakes isn’t always as easy as it sounds.

Source – timelesslife.info

In this particular test, you’ll have to use both your logical and visual skills to solve the mystery.


Take a closer look at the picture above and tell us if you can see any mistakes. There’s something wrong with one of the elements of the graphic and it’s your job to find out which.

Source – Pixabay

As you can see in the pic, the mother and father are enjoying a sunny winter day together with their two kids and their dog. While there’s nothing wrong with the family, something in the picture doesn’t belong there. Focus on the background to spot the mistake!


As it happens, the error in the picture is the butterfly. There are no butterflies in the winter and this little guy definitely doesn’t belong in the snowy winter scene.

Source – timelesslife.info

Did you find the mistake on your own? Here’s another similar challenge for you to solve.


In the picture below, there’s a terrible mistake at work and you should spot it in less than 30 seconds to pass this test.

Source – timelesslife.info

Did you notice the couple getting all handsy on the bridge and the beautiful stream running beneath the structure? Perhaps you also noticed the lush surroundings full of trees and other plants.


Here’s your final to identify the mistake as well before we reveal the answer!

Source – timelesslife.info

As you can see, there’s no river on the other side of the bridge! Where is all this water coming from?


What are your thoughts these puzzles? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more news and stories, follow us on Facebook!