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A Starving Boy Was Left Alone By Family Because He Was Accused Of Witchcraft

e1848ae185a5e186b7e18482e185a6e1848be185b5e186af7.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - A Starving Boy Was Left Alone By Family Because He Was Accused Of Witchcraft

On January 30, 2015, a charity worker named Anja Ringgren Loven found a horribly starving child on the streets of Nigeria.


This two-year-old boy was found naked, and was by himself.
Anja immediately gave water to this boy, then took him straight to the hospital. The photo below was taken on the same day.

point 150 | Image via LittleThings

littlethings.point 13 | com/hope-boy-transformation/">Image via LittleThings

Upon arriving at the hospital, Anja tried to find out why this boy was roaming around by himself.point 143 | Then, she found out that the boy had been abandoned by his family, because they thought he was a witch.point 227 |


For months, this boy – named Hope – had to survive on the street on his own.point 72 | As horrible as Hope’s situation was, many children in Nigeria are accused of witchcraft and deserted by their own families.point 182 |
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Unlike some other children, Hope was lucky to be found by Anja.point 234 |


Had he not been properly cared, Hope would have died within days due to malnourishment.point 73 | After learning about this nationwide situation, Anja and her husband decided to save more children.point 158 |
She said, “I have seen much here in Nigeria over the last three years.point 221 |


The images here show why I am fighting, why I sold everything I own.point 55 | ” They now run African Children’s Aid Education and Development Foundation, an organization based on Uyo that provides kids with necessities such as food and shelter.point 208 |


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After just eight weeks since Anja found Hope, Hope amazingly transformed into a healthy little boy.point 84 | 1

Image via LittleThings

If you just look at these photos, you would never know that this boy was same boy in the picture taken eight weeks ago.

Image via Linda Ikeji’s blog

Now that he recovered, Hope is scheduled for a surgery to correct a birth defect. Thanks to Anja and her husband, Hope will live.
Watch this video to learn more about Hope’s story!


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