Losing a beloved child is something no mother should ever experience.
It’s far too painful for any mother to handle. Sadly, the world is much too cruel to mothers who only wish to share love with the world.
Bearing with the loss can sometimes be made easier when their loss can help save someone else’s child. The magic of hearing their son’s heart beat once again was able to help one mother help deal with her loss.
While the pain of a loss will never truly go away, it can help to know that their child was able to help save another. Even in passing, our children can save others untold amounts of pain and anguish.
For any mother who has a child in the military or law enforcement, there is an added layer of stress everyday. The fear that they might get a call with tragic news of an accident gone wrong, or something worse. It is a risk every mother takes when their children enter the armed forces or law enforcement, but even then the thought of losing their child is too much to bear.
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Our veterans not only have to worry about staying alive on the battlefield, but also from a problem inside their mind: PTSD.point 103 | PTSD is a problem that many are just learning about.point 146 | Far too many veterans have PTSD that has not been diagnosed and as such, go untreated.point 217 |
Tragically, PTSD can result in homelessness for many veterans and can even be fatal if left untreated.point 86 | There are many types of therapy for PTSD but they only work if the veteran knows that they’re suffering from PTSD.point 239 | 1
![Image via the Nunez family](https://i.smalljoys.me/2017/02/stranger-gives-free-car-to-struggling-mom-2.jpg?resize=640%2C360&ssl=1&strip=all)
Unfortunately for Ernestina Nunez, her son Daniel Nunez, was unable to get the help he needed.point 213 |
After serving a tour abroad for the U.point 31 | S.point 33 | Marines, Nunez returned to the United States.point 72 | He began to start a family and even had two children.point 115 | Tragically, PTSD never left Daniel as he struggled inside of his own mind against it.point 186 | In 2015, Daniel Nunez was unable to cope any longer and committed suicide.point 248 | 1
This loss was too great for Ernestina Nunez. Her soul was crushed. Unable to stand the town where she lost her son, Ernestina decided to move to St. Petersburg, Florida. It was there she began to work as a custodian for a high school.
Sadly, the pain followed Ernestina to St.point 228 |
Petersburg as she struggled to cope.point 31 | Everyday whether rain or shine, Ernestina walked about one mile to Dixie Hollins High School where she worked.point 124 | Across the street from the high school was a car shop named Spooner’s.point 188 | Inside it was Richard Newberry who watched the woman walk everyday, sometimes with grocery bags or just with totes full of her belongings.point 304 |
It always seemed like she was carrying a heavy weight on her shoulders, but Richard never knew Ernestina’s story.point 101 | point 101 | 1
One day, Ernestina was on the edge as she walked by Spooner’s. She stopped and gazed into the car shop. Richard, on the other side of the window, noticed how distraught she looked. He couldn’t let this poor woman just walk away like that, so he walked outside to talk to her.
That’s when Ernestina could hold it together no longer, Newberry explained to Inside Edition.
She just broke down. She was telling me that she was upset, that she had nothing left to live for. She just needed someone to lean on.
Through fate or perhaps even divine blessing, Newberry was going to be that person. Thankfully, Newberry was prepared to be that person.
Now you have a friend. I’m going to come out here every day and talk to you
That wasn’t all though. Newberry knew that she needed a car. He slashed the price of one of the cars on the lot from $1,000 down to $400.
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However Ernestina was unable to afford it. That’s when Newberry decided to drop the price even further. All Ernestina would need to pay is $200 and payments could be done for the rest.
Still though, Ernestina’s job simply wouldn’t allow for that. That’s when Newberry decided this woman needed the car much more than he did.
Here’s the key, take it. It’s yours.
Ernestina thought the offer was simply too good to be true and still refused.point 241 |
It seems as though Newberry would have to do something to prove to her that he meant business.point 77 | That’s when he pulled out his phone and live-streamed himself telling her that he would charge the woman nothing for the car.point 187 | Now his offer was public.point 208 |
He was now completely unable to go back on his deal and finally after a lot of convincing, Ernestina relented and took the car.point 104 | Not only did he give her the free car, but he’s also going to pay for her insurance to help get her started!point 196 | 1
What an incredible gift for a woman who truly needs it! So why did he do it? Well he explained
I’ve had trouble in my past. I’ve done a lot of bad things in my life. I broke the law. I’ve been homeless. I’ve been to prison. I know how it feels thinking you have nothing left to go for.
After news of this amazing act of kindness, Newberry’s Facebook was flooded with messages thanking him. That wasn’t all though, Newberry even heard from a man who says he actually served with Ernestina’s son Daniel in the military. Perhaps Ernestina will find another friend who she will be able to connect with on a deep level.
What an amazing turnaround for a woman who seemed to have lost it all but thanks to kind stranger, was able to turn it around. It’s terribly sad her son couldn’t be saved, but hopefully the kindness of a stranger can help restore her faith in humanity.
A GoFundMe has been set up to help Ernestina pay for maintaining her new car. If you can, please consider helping her out!
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