Categories: EntertainmentFamilylife

9 Times Strangers Decided To Show Kindness And Compassion

stranger kindness.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 9 Times Strangers Decided To Show Kindness And Compassion

Source: Oxford

German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, “The best way to begin each day is waking up to think how one can give joy to at least one person this day.


” Sometimes someone does something good for another for no reason at all, they show kindness and compassion and however small it may be the one who receives it is filled with happiness and joy.

Below are 9 stories that depict people showing kindness and compassion.



#1. True Sportsmanship

Reddit / pp0787


#2. A number of health workers from Changzhou waiting to take a turn performing chest compressions to keep a boy alive who was waiting for highly qualified doctors from Shanghai to arrive. By the way, they managed to save him!




#3. A Real Hero

Reddit / coamenell


#4. This man took off his sneakers and gave them to a homeless man who was barefoot on the subway before putting his own work shoes back on




#5. A class gives a struggling guy a smartphone

Reddit / lorasio


#6. An Audi driver shields a biker who’s fallen down

Reddit / Areskoi



#7. A man stopped cars to let an old lady cross the road safely



#8. One Hand Is Enough

Reddit / itsfoine



#9. A man on the train noticed an older man struggling to find directions on his phone. He asked if he could help and spent the next 20 minutes teaching him how to use Google Maps and direction services

Reddit / Dex2Dex



Have you seen acts of kindness from a stranger? Share your stories in the comments below!


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