Categories: Animals/Petslife

Stray Dog Rescued Abandoned Kittens And Kept Them Warm

A stray dog has been dubbed a super-mama dog after rescuing five abandoned kittens from certain death and keeping them warm.


The incident occurred in Ontario, Canada, where a passerby came across a litter of kittens that were being watched over by the mama dog.

Pet and Wildlife Rescue

After calling the Pet and Wildlife Rescue about the finding, the rescuers quickly realized that the pooch, whom they named Serenity, adopted the kittens and kept them safe after they’d been abandoned.


“Our stray sweetheart is keeping her ‘babies’ safe at the shelter tonight!” the shelter wrote in an update on Facebook.

Pet and Wildlife Rescue

As they added, the shelter was flooded with adoption requests after Serenity’s kind act. In addition, they have revealed that the kittens were treated for worm infestation and fleas.


According to the shelter, they believe that Serenity had found the kittens abandoned in the snow before taking them with her and warming them up.

Pet and Wildlife Rescue

“The shelter staff is concerned about getting backlash for not adopting me out with the kittens that I was found with. If they waited for the kittens to be ready that would mean that I wouldn’t have my forever family for a couple of months,” Pet and Wildlife Rescue added in a post that they wrote in Serenity’s name.


“At the end of the day, I am just happy that the kittens were found with me and are now resting peacefully in a warm foster home instead of outside in the cold.

Pet and Wildlife Rescue

“I love zooming around outside and will run circles around any person or object that is out in the yard with me. The shelter staff has been working on it, but I can be quite jumpy and need to be taught some manners.”


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