Sexual abuse is the greatest sin one can commit, especially to a child.
It is not just the body of a child the culprit is abusing but it scars them for entire life which is acceptable in a possible manner.
As per a revelation, 1 out every 3 paedophiles does not even spend a single day behind the bars. To change the same, the parliament will introduce new improvised laws that will work on the put the paedophiles behind bars for their entire life.
The new draft bill states mandatory jail time for the first time abusers and offenders, while the culprits who will be coming in for the second or more then that time will be sentenced with a serious and harsh punishment leveling high to as much as a lifetime in the prison.
Christian Porter, Attorney-General said that it needs urgent work to overhaul the sentencing and the punishments for paedophiles.
He said, “In a report, it was found out that out of 100%, 28% offenders involved in sexual harassment and molestation were not kept in custody for even a day, which is absolutely terrible.”
“And even the ones those were jailed had an average of 18 months in the jail.”
This means out of 300 offenders in the last year, 100 did not even go to jail and walked away free. This makes encourages potential molesters.
The new law will make it a compulsion to put behind bars each and every molester and this even includes lifetime imprisonment from the worst offenders of all.
For the present, a child molester can be sentenced behind bars for 7 to 24 years even if the molestation was conducted online.
The kids and teenagers are often too young to know what is wrong and right and to protect themselves. This gives power to the molesters and only the law can restrain that power.
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