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Student – Who Was Often Confused For An Acid-Accident Victim Due To Her Deadly Birthmark – Is Delighted After The Life-Changing Surgery

Watch the woman who was often confused for an acid-attack victim


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Video Credit: Rumble

WARNING: Disturbing Content

A nursing student was often confused for an acid-attack victim because of her deadly birthmark.

Ellahe Haghani suffers from Sturge-Weber syndrome which causes abnormal blood vessels to develop in the skin. The condition has left her blind in her right eye.


She was refused to be operated in Iran over fears she would ‘bleed to death’.


The 37-year-old struggled throughout her life as people would ask questions if the condition is contagious and some even ask her to stay at home.


Haghani said: “When I was outside the house people were frightened, they didn’t know what it was and were scared. Some thought I had a contagious disease, others thought I suffered from an acid attack or was burned.”

“Horrible people told me I shouldn’t come out in public and stay inside, but I didn’t listen to them because it’s my life.”


In 2009, she came to New York for treatment and met Dr. Milton Waner. She underwent 20 ‘debulking’ surgeries, laser treatments and skin grafts.


She had skin-grafts on her check, nose and on her eyelids to make her face look more natural.

The life-changing surgeries have changed her life. Though she still has blemishes on her nose and forehead, Haghani says she now has a lot of confidence.


Haghani is content with the results of her treatment and says she is now ready to start a family.


She said: “Now I realise how horribly disfigured I was, when it’s your own face you get used to it and don’t see yourself the way other people do. I’m so grateful to Dr. Waner and everyone who helped me, it was a life-changing experience and I owe my new life to the people who helped me.”


Haghani still suffers from headaches and glaucoma but she has a positive attitude towards life despite all these things.


She says: “I believe in myself, my face doesn’t define me, what defines me is my abilities, what I do with my life and how I help other people.”


“I have to prove everybody wrong who says I cannot do things, but as everyone who knows me believes – I am stubborn and never give up.”



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