Students as young as 8 years old will be told that boys can also have periods in the new sex education guidance.
The changes were approved by Brighton Council in a bid to reduce stigma concerning menstruation. The report stated:
“Trans boys and men and non-binary people may have periods”, adding “menstruation must be inclusive of ‘all genders’.”
The report also ordered that “bins for used period products are provided in all toilets” for students, and that trans pupils should also be provided with additional support from a nurse whenever needed.
The council said it was “important for all genders to be able to learn and talk about menstruation together.”
The guidelines on tackling menstruation came only several months after Brighton and Hove City Council issued a Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit that helps encourage sensitivity around student gender identity.
Teachers were told to be responsive to the needs of all trans and non-binary children, and are reminded that intentionally not using one’s preferred pronoun or name can constitute harassment.
Critics described the guidelines as inappropriate and another proof that political correctness has gone mad.
Tory MP David Davies said it is crazy for teachers to be explaining the concept of trans boys having menstruations to 8-year-old pupils.
He added: “Learning about periods is already a difficult subject for children that age, so to throw in the idea girls who believe they are boys also have periods will leave them completely confused.”
Stephanie Davis-Arai of the Transgender Trend group said: “Girls going through puberty are already having a difficult time. What they should be given is clear language to be able to talk about their bodies and their female biological functions without couching it in politically correct terms.”
Feminist campaigner Julie Bindel also said: “To tell impressionable children that boys can also menstruate sidelines girls who should be getting support when they start their periods.”
It was previously revealed by The Mail how an NHS guidebook stated males living as women were invited for tests to check for cervical cancer even though they do not have a cervix.
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