Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

9 Out Of 10 Viewers Were Stumped By This Math Riddle! Where Do You Stand?

We’re back with another one of our challenging math riddles that’s doing a great job at leaving the internet divided.


It’s so simple to pass time in unhealthy ways these days. The reliance of human life on technology is increasing as we speak. However, we feel it’s high time we put our foot on the ground and realize that too much of anything is not good.


Today’s challenge is all about understanding and taking things one step at a time. And that entails healthy equations and viral math riddles that make your mind think outside the box.

Source: WebMD

On average, picture puzzles do great at entertaining viewers. But we believe it’s always a good idea to mix things up a bit. Here, we have a challenge that is guaranteed to make you go wow beyond words.


Logical skills are so important and we find that challenges like these do wonders at giving you the push you need.

Therefore, take a closer look at the scenario being put forward by the makers of this challenge and let us know what you think.

Source: TEACH Magazine

The mind-blowing math riddle

Here’s another tricky challenge that needs you to read carefully and in between the lines. Alright, there is a man who purchases a horse for about $60. Next, he sells that animal for about $70. Next, he chooses to buy the same horse again for $80. But then again, he decides to put his horse on sale.

Source: Wakeupyourmind

This time, he opts to sell the animal for $90. In the end, can you figure out how much cash did the man make or lose while making these puzzling moves! Also, was there a chance that maybe he broke even? Think carefully before answering!


The correct solution

Are you ready for the final reveal? If yes, scroll down below to see our solution!

Source: Daily Sabah

If you thought the man earns $20, then good job because that’s the right answer! See, this man went about making $10 during each of his sales. Hence, this makes for a grand total of $20.