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Stunning J. Lo Lookalike Frequently Gets Stopped On The Street By Fans Of The Famous Singer

j3.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Stunning J. Lo Lookalike Frequently Gets Stopped On The Street By Fans Of The Famous Singer

Caters News Agency

Natalia Mirskikh, from Cheliabinsk, Russia, frequently gets stopped on the street by people who mistake her for Jennifer Lopez.


That’s not surprising because of the stunning resemblance she has to the famous singer.

Apart from the discomfort of being mobbed by strangers, most people would tend to be flattered at the attention and the comparison to a beautiful and famous person. But it actually annoys Natalia because she had just turned 19 while Jennifer Lopez is 50 years old.


Watch the video of the look-a-like below!

[rumble video_id=v5rgmb domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

It’s probably not what people intend but it’s like saying that Natalia looks old.

Caters News Agency

Still, being compared to a celebrity has its advantages and the teenager has decided to use the striking similarity to the singer to her advantage in the world of modeling. In fact, she said that her resemblance to Jennifer Lopez has even helped land her some modeling contracts.


Natalia said: “It’s not amazing to have people mistake you for a 50-year-old when I’m not even 20 yet.

“But it is J Lo, who doesn’t look her age, so I do take it as a compliment.

“The first time someone told me I looked like her, I was only 14 and didn’t really know who she was.


“But when I started doing some modeling work, the makeup artists offered to style my hair and makeup just like her and I couldn’t believe how alike we looked!

“Now, all the agents and makeup artists in my city just call me J Lo. Some of them probably don’t even know my real name.”

Caters News Agency

“Every time I work with someone new, they take a picture to post to their social media to pretend that J Lo visited them.


“It’s like being as famous as the real Jennifer Lopez!

“At first it was a bit overwhelming but now I take it in my stride and actually enjoy it.

“My dream is to meet J.Lo personally – I’d love to know what she thinks of my look.”

But to be fair, even without the resemblance to Jennifer Lopez, Natalia does have the looks and body types that most agencies look for in a model.


