Categories: Animals/Petslife

Superhero Dad Saved His Family By Fighting The Wolf That Attacked Them

Standing in front of a wild animal is no pun.


At such a moment of attack by an animal that has no drop of love and kindness for humans in its blood, a person will only run away to protect his life. But this brave father did what no one can do in a glimpse.


Matt Rispoli and his wife Elisa had taken their kids to camp in Banff National Park, Alberta.


They were inside their tent when they realized a wolf has attacked them. Without giving it a second thought, Matt threw himself in front of his kids and wife trying to protect them.


Elisa said “the wolf has attacked us and to save me and the kids, Matt threw his body on us. It felt like a scene straight out of the most horrifying movie.


Matt tried to hold down the wolf while he kept his jaw open. His hands and arms were injured in the scene and all I could do was scream.


The wolf had gotten a hold on Matt and that is when the angel showed up.”


Russ Fee was camping in a tent quite close to Matt and Elisa’s tent and as soon as he heard the screaming he ran to look.


He saw the wolf dragging Matt away while Elisa was trying to pull his legs. He ran to the wolf and kicked him as hard as he can and started throwing rocks on him until it ran away.


Ross said “I saw him dragging Matt away and I knew I had to do something. I could think of nothing and instantly ran to kick him. I kicked him as hard as I could have because if I hadn’t he would have taken Matt away.”


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