Categories: life

On exam day, students see THIS written on their desks… Amazing!

Just before school breaks start, there is one thing that every student needs to do.



Image via LittleThings

In New Jersey, fifth graders have to take the high-pressure tests known as the PARCC, a testing system shared with some other states.


One of the fifth-grade teachers at Evergreen Avenue Elementary, Chandni Langford, wanted to do something special to relieve the students from such stress.

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So, Mrs. Langford decided to give them a little boost just before the standardized tests began.
Before the kids came in, Mrs. Langford wrote an individualized message to each student in the class across the top of their desks. Granted, she wrote in dry-erase marker so that the message could easily be wiped off before testing began. Still, students definitely were moved by such heartwarming gesture.

Image via LittleThings

On one desk, for example, Mrs. Langford wrote “It is going to be worth it!”. On another, she wrote, “Learning is your superpower!”


The best part about these messages was that they weren’t just written randomly. Mrs. Langford chose specific messages to for each students, tailoring them to their individual needs. For example, one student, who has never taken the test before, was reassured that everything was going to be ok.


In addition, she also signed the messages as “Your teachers,” rather than signing it as “Mrs. Langford,” so that students will know that everyone is rooting for their success.

The school system, in which Evergreen Avenue Elementary is a part of, heard about Mrs.point 243 |


Langford and posted a message in support:
“To motivate her 5th grade students, Mrs.point 76 | Langford at Evergreen Avenue prepared inspirational, growth-mindset messages for every one of her students.point 170 | Each personalized note was written in dry-erase marker on students’ desks so they could be cleaned up prior to starting PARRC.point 282 |


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The students must have been so touched by Mrs.point 45 | Langford.point 54 | I hope they nailed their tests!point 80 | 1

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