Categories: life

Mom Of Two Decides To Be A Surrogate For Couple. And The Mother Is Her Beloved Sister

Growing up, most girls fantasize about becoming a mother and having their own children.


To most, this dream surely comes to life when they are of age. Sadly, some women are sob-unfortunate that they are not able to conceive or give birth due to various health conditions.

Getting pregnant is a very personal decision. In fact, a lot of people will only share their plans with a few trusted friends and relatives. By doing so, you do not have to answer one million questions from everyone you ever meet and you still have a strong support system, just in case you need your safety net.


When Aimee Morrisby decided to try to get pregnant, one of the people she confided in was her beloved sister, Shayna. Unfortunately, Aimee failed to have a healthy pregnancy for five solid years. She conceived four times in these five years but sadly all pregnancies ended in miscarriages.


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Aimee and her husband together endured the trials and pain that come along with infertility. It was such a devastating and trying time for the two love birds. They had hoped for so long to have a baby of their own, something was definitely missing in their lives. They felt incomplete without a child.


When she was young, Aimee was diagnosed with a painful bowel disease that filled her abdomen with scar tissue. However, she didn’t realize the extent of the damage to her body until she visited a doctor for the pain at age 21. That’s when she learned the heartbreaking news, that her uterus might be compromised.


Her doctor suggested that it would be a good idea for her to conceive now, or risk never being able to carry a baby of her own, if she ever wanted to be a mother. Aimee and her husband Jake went through painful series of IVF treatments. It’s so sad that even after spending a lot of time and money, their efforts were not fruitful.


The times they were lucky and conceived, they had miscarried. A visit to a digestive specialist revealed that Aimee’s uterus was essentially a “big ball of scar tissue.”


She took the new information to her IVF doctor, who realized that her reproductive system would probably never be able to support a full term pregnancy. Turn of events. Aimee was at her wit’s end.

She had almost given up on trying to get pregnant when one night she got a surprise call from her sister at exactly 10 o’clock Shayna Wiffen. Knowing what her sister had gone through to look for a child, and how much she desired to have a child of her own, Shayna spoke these four magic words over the phone, “Let’s have a baby.”


This was an incredible and awesome offer that Shayna had made. Finally, Aimee and Jake’s dreams of having a baby would come true and their sorrow would come to an end. At last, there was a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel for them. Shayna, who was already a mother of two beautiful kids of her own, was ready to get pregnant again, but not with her own baby.


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This time, she wanted to carry a baby for her sister Aimee, and Aimee’s husband Jake. By the time Shayna made her incredible offer of being a surrogate of Aimee and Jake’s baby, the lovely couple had just begun to make their peace with Aimee’s diagnosis. They were emotionally exhausted. After making sure her sister really wanted to do this, Aimee immediately accepted the offer.


Shayna was successfully impregnated with one of the embryos from her Aimee’s IVF treatments. For the next nine months, Aimee’s little bundle of joy grew bigger and stronger in auntie’s womb. The bond between the two sisters grew immensely.


They were together every step of the way, and both their husbands, on the other hand, were nothing but supportive throughout the process. When Shayna began her water birth, Aimee was right beside her, holding her hand and helping her to bring her precious daughter into the world.


Shayna delivered a beautiful bouncing baby girl, and her brother-in-law, Jake, immediately stepped up to cut the cord.


Shayna cuddled the beautiful baby for just a few moments before handing her over to her Mom and Dad. The new parents were filled with joy on seeing their little princess.

A new door had opened for them. They were thrilled to finally have someone that would call them mom and dad. Their daughter was perfectly beautiful. They named her Francesca Louise Morrisby.


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She’s now a happy, bouncing seven-month-old. How time flies! It was an incredible and magical experience for both sisters to share Francesca’s birth on such a profound level. Aimee was extremely happy, she regained her once lost hope. She could not wait to share her story with the world and help other women who are struggling with fertility issues.


She believed that there are so many options to choose from when it comes to childbirth and advises mothers to be open to all. She was also thankful and grateful to her sister Shayna for giving her a chance at becoming a mother. Aimee also advises mothers out there in the same boat as she was to not give up and that if their bodies are not in the position to carry a baby full term, they should not force it.


She explained to the Daily Mail:”My biggest advice to mothers that are pushing themselves to the brink is that it is OK to stop trying in your own body. At the end of the day, there is no way my own daughter would be as happy and healthy if I had given birth to her.” What a beautiful and amazing story!


Are you stunned by Shayna and Aimee’s powerful bond of sisterhood? Please leave a comment for them in the comment section below!

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