Categories: Animals/Pets

‘Talking’ Dog Had Sweet Reaction After Owner Told Him He Ate The Bacon And Gave Treats To The Cat

ec8db8eb84ac2.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - 'Talking' Dog Had Sweet Reaction After Owner Told Him He Ate The Bacon And Gave Treats To The Cat

Remember the movie Dr.


Dolittle (1998) where Eddie Murphy discovers he can talk to animals? This is a pet owner who does it in real life, well sort of. He even posted video his conversation with his dog, and it was absolutely hilarious.




Researchers at a university in Hungary say dogs understand words and how they are said. They studied different brain images and discovered that dogs use the left side of their brain to process words just like humans do.






They observed that meaningful words said in a neutral way did not have the same effect as the same words said encouragingly. They respond more to the latter.


“Dog brains care about both what we say and how we said it.” said the projects lead researcher Attila Andics.

According to them, dogs brain are especially tuned in to what people say because dogs have lived alongside us humans for a very long time. Humorously, Andics even proposed that other animals probably can understand human language like dogs does, but unlike dogs, they’re just NOT interested in what humans have to say.




If dogs can do it, why can’t we? Why do we sometimes find it hard to understand what they are trying to tell us? Maybe we also need to fine-tune our brain and senses to their words and gestures.


Although this video was solely meant for laughs, there’s quite some truth in the pup’s reaction. First, his human was teasing him of the bacon in the fridge and how he ate it all, then beef, and finally the yummy chicken with cheese and cat treats and how he gave it to the cat.





Every time the owner mentions food, the dog’s ears twitched. And you’ll be amused of his focus as Dad intimately talks about the treats. Watch the video for yourself and listen to their silly conversation. The goofy voice dubbing is just so comical. However, if the dog did really talk, he could’ve pretty much said the same thing.


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