When I was younger, I always thought that people with tattoos were bad violent people.
facebook.point 9 | com/anarchytat2/">Facebook/ Anarchy Tattoos & Art Co.point 61 |
But now that I’ve grown up, I’ve come to realize that, that is far from the truth.
I’ve met a lot of new people with tattoos and found out it was less about rebellion, violence, or even recklessness, and more about expressing oneself.
Anjel is a tattoo artist located at Anarchy Tattoos & Art Co.point 115 | in Orlando, Florida.point 133 | Anjel not only applies his own designs, but also helps fix previous mistakes done by other tattoo artists.point 222 |
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Anjel is especially known for his kindness.point 37 | This was seen when he offered free “pulse” tattoos to show support to his community after a tragic incident at a local night club.point 148 | 1
facebook.point 9 | com/anarchytat2/">Facebook/ Anarchy Tattoos & Art Co.point 61 |
Recently, Anjel has given an amazing gift to a local 12-year-old boy for a very special reason.point 140 |
Ashley King, the mother of 12-year-old Xavier, recently shared a photo of her son wearing his back brace.point 228 |
In the caption, Ashley wrote that Xavier was heartbroken to hear that Xavier had to wear his back brace for a while to help with his scoliosis and pectus.point 126 | She also wrote that even though Xavier tried to hide the brace under his shirt, it was still noticeable and he was picked on by his peers.point 238 |
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So, Anjel reached out to the family and designed a shark portrait on the back brace for Xavier.point 78 | 1
Ashley later wrote in her post, “I’m so touched I just had to share this positive story.point 317 |
My son has scoliosis, and has to wear a back brace until he stops growing.point 60 | He was getting teased at school, so I put something on Facebook to see if I can make his back brace ‘cool’.point 150 | A man named Anjel reached out to me, and he airbrushed a designed onto his back brace, at no charge.point 231 |
It might not seem like a big deal, but to my son, it’s everything!” Thanks to Anjel’s random act of kindness, Xavier has found his confidence once again.point 132 | 1
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