Categories: life

Teacher Wears The Same Dress For 100 Days In A Row In An Attempt To Stop Consumerism

Many people know how difficult it can be to pick clothes from the closet because hey, ‘I have nothing to wear!’


But in fact, there are piles of clothes that you have only used once or twice. So, is it time to go shopping again?


According to reports, consumers purchased 60 percent more clothing in 2014 than in 2000.


That’s why an art teacher from New Jersey decided to get people’s attention by wearing the same dress for 100 days, and people loved her idea!


Sharing her first post on social media, Julia Mooney announced that she would challenge herself and wear the same dress for 100 days. The art teacher expected many questions and answered them right away.

“Disgusting? Well, it gets washed! Boring? Sure. I love to express myself through what I wear as much as the next American.”


Julia also explained that she would use apron at work to avoid paint stains, and if her dress were to tear, she could simply patch it.


She said that the amount of time consumed by choosing what to wear is no longer a problem. It makes life easier especially if you have two children who have to be ready by 6:30 am.


The mother-of-two also said that her challenge allowed her to save more space.

Julia wants others to think before stepping into the ‘buy, wear, discard, and buy again’ circle. With her challenge, she showed people that we do not need to keep on buying new clothes. It is way better to spend our energy on being good to others rather than trying to look good.


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