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A Teacher Fell In Love With His Student’s Mother, When It Was The Time To Get Down On One Knee, He Proposed Two Girls

Jessie Wittmayer, 26 fell in love with his student, Shyyra’s mom and wanted to marry her.


When he got down on one knee for her, he proposed Shyyra too.

Watch the video below!

Video Credit: James & Jess

He met Shyyra in 2014 when she was in third grade, and Jessie used to work at after school group in San Diego, along with being a landscaping manager.


Krysta, a twenty-nine-year-old single mom, said that her daughter used to come home and sing praises of her favorite teacher, Mr. Thor. Shyyra had nicknamed Jessie as Mr. Thor due to his long blond hair.

Initially, Krysta had met Jessie only when she used to drop her daughter or come to pick her. Their conversations were limited to asking each other about their day.


However, after asking Krysta about her day for more than a year, Jessie felt some connection between them. Based on this connection, he asked her out on a coffee date. The date was hit!

Eventually, they were in a relationship soon, a fact about which Shyrra was thrilled. In March this year, Jessie decided to take their relationship one-step forward.


So, along with Shyrra, Jessie decided to propose Krysta this year in March. Jessie told Shyraa that they both would go on a walk in the sunset and she would surprise Krysta with the ring.

However, Shyrra was surprised when Jessie got down on her knees, presented a necklace, and asked if he could be her father.


Moments later, he proposed Krysta and got a positive answer.

Jessie said that when he first met Krysta, he realized how beautiful she was, but he would be shy whenever she was around. Over a year after he succeeded in asking her out and she said yes.


He said that he wanted to propose Krysta, but he would not just be a husband but a father too. So, it was imperative that he asked Shyrra whether she wanted him as a dad and a husband to her mother.

Jessie was encouraged to ask Shyrra out when he came to know that they were planning to move to Virginia, but somehow they ended up not moving.


Krysta said that Shyrra craved for a father since forever, and she is glad that she has one now.

A few minutes after proposing, Shyrra was calling Jessie, ‘dad,’ the moment was too emotional for Krysta.

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