In one of those stories that never fails to shock and bring disgust, a 33 year old married teacher was brought to court after the police has claimed that she had a physical intercourse with a 15 year old student in the school field and sent him topless photos via Snapchat.
Moreover, the police believes that Kandice Barber told the 15 year old student that she may be carrying the boy’s child after the two had intercourse after a school sports event that took place.
It is said that the school’s principal got news of the scandal when the principal realized that a naked picture of Barber was being seen around the pupils in the school. Barber has denied all the allegations, and said her pictures were likely hacked from her private accounts.
In front of the judges, the police argued that Barber first approached the student at the aforementioned awards ceremony. It was during this time that the two exchanged Snapchat accounts. Moreover, she later picked up the student on her own car and had intercourse with him.
The jurors heard as the authorities put the case that there were at least two more instances in which she had intercourse with the student. Shockingly, it is said that Barber herself has children who are attending school, although likely not at the same institution.
The prosecutor said that the entire case can be summarized to a teacher who approached a student of her school and had sexual intercourse with him. They went so far as to present the very nude photo of Barber that they claimed was evidence of Barber’s crimes.
Moreover, the prosecutor added that the victim is by no means proud or cavalier about what has happened. According to the officials, it was the boy who refused Barber’s offer to stay over at a hotel room on his 16th birthday.
In a conversation that the student had with the child abuse officials at the local police station, the anonymous student recalled how it was rather Barber who threatened him. According to him, the teacher said she will destroy his life should he try to turn on her.
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