Categories: life

Teacher With 3 Kids of Her Own Adopted A Student With Down Syndrome After His Mother Passed Away

A 52 years old teacher has adopted her student who has Down Syndrome after the poor child’s mother died of breast cancer.


The teacher said she fell in love with the student and so she adopted him.


Teacher Kerry Bremer says she met 14 years old Jake Manning, and his mother Jean about 4 years ago and ever since then she has been in love with Jack.


She says he is adorable and smart and funny. She says he is so funny that he can make anyone laugh no matter who the other person is.


Jake and Kerry met at the CASE Collaborative School in Concord, Massachusetts and she instantly fell in love with him.


Jake’s mother Jean then expressed her concerns one day where she talked about how she is always worried about what will happen to Jake if she dies of her cancer.


Kerry says “The though kept me up several nights and that is when I and my husband talked about it and decided to adopt him. We talked to jean and became his official guardians in May. We loved the kid.”


“I had to build up strength to talk to Jean about this and, she was happy with it. She wanted him to have a happy family.”


“After Jean passed away we were sad that how will Jake accept that his mother is gone but he is a smart kid. He came to our house and within no time he became a part of the family. Our kids were happy and he was happy and it all made me and my husband very happy. There was no choice of letting him go, we had to adopt him so we did. We did what God wanted us to do.”


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