Categories: life

Teachers Will Be Allowed to Use More Power to Implement Improvisation Against Bad Behavior

A horror that has recently come out as an awakening may allow teachers to use more power on the students to improvise their bad behavior.



The prime duty of a teacher is to make her students a better person first and then an educated person. For the same reason, the teachers will now be allowed to use more force if needed to help kids in improvising their bad behavior.


As per the new orders that may come out soon, the headteachers in the school will be allowed to use physical restraining if needed and will be allowed to give same day detentions in order to cure bad behavior in the students.


They will also be given the power to expel a student who is breaking certain boundaries.


Recently the matter got into highlights as in the year 2018 alone, more than 1000 kids were found with a knife in their bags and these kids were aged as less as 4 years of age.


The deadly blades present in the bags of the students could have harmed the students, teachers, or the property of the school.

This is why the teachers will be given the power top physically restrain the students involved in such activities as there were reports of pupil saying that they have the knives with them for the purpose of harming other kids and teachers.


The letter issued by Department of Education says “We believe in providing a safe environment to both the students and the teachers and if a student is found violating the preventive measure then actions would be taken against the concerned child.


For the same, we will support the heads of the school to use power on the kids to improvise them and to correct their bad behavior.”

The Department also said that the kids will also be expelled from school in order to let them know what are the boundaries of being in public places and bad behavior.



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