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Man Pictured Saying His Final Goodbyes To His 15-Year-Old Cat

There are moments that you would never want to imagine if you are a pet owner.


That moment is when you have to say your last farewell to your pet as it reaches its time to leave your side for good.

Recently, an online community has revealed a video of a owner saying his last farewell to his cat who has been living with him for 15 years.

Online community

In the video, a cat is lying on a blanket and is looking at the owner in front.

The cat cries with difficulty and tries to look at its owner for the one last time.

Online community

The owner, who looked at it with a devastated expression, gives it a kiss on the forehead and says his goodbye.


The owner, who strokes the cat’s head, immediately breaks down in tears.

Online community

The cat, who heard its owner’s farewell, blinks slowly, and slowly drifts away.

Online community

According to people’s experiences, companion animals keep their gazes fixed upon their owners until their last moment.


One of the viewers said, “It seems like they know when they are about to die.” “My dog waited until I came home and left in my arms.”

Maybe the reason why pets look for their owners before they die is to say their farewells and thank the owners for the times they have been together.