A puzzle a day keeps the worries away- if you believe in that phenomenon, then here’s a challenge that’s sure to kickstart your day the right way!
While picture puzzles are everyone’s favorite, it’s time to think out of the box with this next challenge. Putting your critical thinking skills to the test, how fast can you answer this! NOTE: You’ve got exactly ten seconds to do it, good luck!

Those who use logic in their everyday activities are sure to succeed with this riddle. All you need to do is think of an object that fits the dimensions mentioned above. Simiarly, be sure that the object is something popular and by that we mean a thing that EVERYONE can’t help but fall in love with.
Do you give up, if yes, focus harder! We know there are an endless array of objects that fit this description but if you concentrate, there’s no stopping you from moving in the right direction!

It’s answer time! The right solution is MONEY, but to be more exact, we were looking for a $100 bill! Was that your answer too?
Kudos to those who got it correct on their first try! Now, let’s focus our attention on Puzzle Number Two!
Can you spot the error that’s hiding in this picture?
Big or small, the error is definitely in there somewhere! Be sure to zoom in carefully because you’ll be amazed at how the answer lies right in front of your eyes! Good luck!
If you’re done, don’t forget to check your answer with ours given below!
If you found the dock entrance to be too narrow for a ship of this size, then congratulations! You’re definitely a smart thinker and observer!
Be sure to stay tuned for more viral mind games. Until then, SHARE the fun with your family and friends!