When it comes to health care systems around the world, the U.
S. has been in the center of attention for the last several decades. Sadly, not for the good reasons but due to the poor statistics showing us just how terrible the reality is.
While the military and defense are undisputedly the number one U. S. expenditure, other areas such as education and health care are known to suffer. While the medical facilities are fairly developed, they are also insanely expensive and only available to people who can afford them. Luckily, however, the system has a lot of space for improvement and the means necessary to do so.
To put the issue in an amusing perspective, we have piled up the top examples that indicate the shortages of the current U. S. health care system. Scroll down, take a good look, and stay healthy!
1. We’re leading and that’s what matters
2. A copy of the medical bill they received when their daughter was born in Canada
3. That’s so unamerican
4. Why invest in universal health care system
5. $39.35 to hold the baby after birth?
6. It’s ‘easy’, just get a better job
7. Universal healthcare disasters
8. The system be like
9. I guess he’ll die
10. When visiting the U.S. after reading about its health care system
11. At least it worked
12. Only in America
13. Everyone will be covered
14. Nice hat
15. The only health insurance people from the U.S. can afford
16. What’s even sadder is that we could insert nearly any other flag in the place of Sweden’s flag
17. Don’t make us choose
18. This is what $14,714.49 looks like in America
19. How to get treated in the U.S.
20. He works in a hospital and the mandated supplier charges them $700 per each metal basket
21. GOP health care plan
22. Life expectancy vs. healthcare
How did you like these jokes about the U.S. healthcare system? Are they on the spot? If yes, please don’t hesitate to share the post with your friends and family!