Categories: Animals/Petslife

Terrifying Images of 5 Malnourished Lions in a Zoo in Sudan Has Sparked A Campaign To Free Them

untitled design 1 19.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Terrifying Images of 5 Malnourished Lions in a Zoo in Sudan Has Sparked A Campaign To Free Them

A normal image of a lion that we carry in our mind is a healthy and fit animal that is always strong enough to attack its prey or enemy.


But these images show 5 lions whose ribs and skeleton peek out of their body because they are so cruelly treated.


These lions have been starving and sick for weeks now and so concerns for the same are growing around.


People on the internet are calling out and demanding for the African lions to be transferred to a better habitat and out of the zoo in the capital city of Sudan.


The 5 lions are caged inside Khartoum’s Al-Qureshi Park which is located at an upscale district but despite that, the lions have been starving for weeks now.


This has led to a condition in which their skeleton is literally peeking out of their skin.


Osman Salih is the one who has launched the campaign under the hashtag #Sudananimalrescue.


He says “I was left stunned after seeing these lions in such absurd conditions. This is the worst face of animal abuse.”


It is being said that it is not entirely the park’s fault as the manager of the park says “there is a shortage of food at the park.


It is not available most of the time.

There are so many times when we buy food for animals out of our own money.” 


The condition of these lions deteriorated a lot in the last few weeks as they suddenly lost 2/3 of their weight which is putting their life in danger. 


Osman Salih also said “I am making a plea to all the institutions and individuals to please help them if you can.

They do not deserve to die like this.”


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