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Texas City Has A Novel Plan To Put Its Homeless On Work By ‘A Clean Slate’ Program

We see many homeless people around us, has anyone ever thought that if they are provided with work their lives will be settled? And if the work has such a nature with which the state also gets benefit becomes a symbiotic relation.


Texas has taken a great step for their homeless which in return pay off for the state as well.

Source: NBCDFW.com

This initiative provides the homeless people employment and in return, the state is cleaned. This program was launched last year with an aim to break the cycle of homelessness and giving a clean look to the state.


Till now thousands of tons of trash have been removed from Texas.

Here are some details of this program. This initiative is named as “clean slate” and it is run by Presbyterian Night Shelter and is funded by the city itself.

The homeless are paid for their services hence the state has no unemployed people.


Toby Owen the CEO of shelter says that it is a win-win situation for both as we get a clean city and they get employment. So they are no more homeless people.

Source: DavidMcNew/KNUE

The work is divided as sanitation, litter collection and janitorial works. At the start of the program, 3865 tons of trash was collected by 40 homeless persons.


One of the employees of the clean state program told KXAS that, he was the first employee and he is able to earn $10 through this work.

He fills up three bins per day and says that it gives a good feeling to clean the city.

Source: AJC.com

Now he is able to shift in his own apartment and is seen wearing a brown hat and a neon jacket and keeps on collecting the litter.


Till now Fort Worth is spending $48000 per year on the program and they do no bound any worker for work.

The workers are invited to work as long as they want to.

This initiative is being implemented in other cities as well as it’s beneficial for both the homeless and the state.


It is not the first time any state has started this kind of work, in 2015 Albuquerque New Mexico started a 14 months program in which panhandlers were paid $9 per day.

Similarly in Los Angeles city council committee started a program close to these programs.


Such kind of programs lessens the unemployment issues and cleans up the city. What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments section below.
