Categories: Animals/Petslife

The ‘Disco’ Octopus Flashes Bright Colors

Have you ever seen a marine disco creature?


No one probably has seen it. But here is a new experience for you to see.

Octopus tend to get their prey by hiding and camouflaging with the background as they turn white or black. But here we have a spectacular octopus that decided to try something different.



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Rather than hiding away to get the prey, this octopus decided to flash disco lights.


The octopus decided to flash disco lights as every part of its body was lighting up in a different color.

Rather than covering up in dark or white color like the regular display, this octopus flashed all the colors of disco lights from its body.


Luckily it was all captured on camera. Jared Herd, an American diver from Island Gili Trawangan in Lombok, Indonesia was the one to capture the amazing scene.


It was an adventure day for Jared who decided to take his camera along with him to capture the amazing marine life and this is when it happened.

He said, “I went out on a dive to have fun and see the beauty of marine life and I was taken by a surprise when I saw it. I was left stunned.


Common octopus does not show such behavior and this is what made me wonder. I knew I had to capture this. It had started before I noticed it so I stayed.


I rolled the camera and recorded it for about 15 minutes. It kept changing colors the whole time so I stayed. I know it kept changing colors even after I left.


Octopustend to camouflage to hunt or to prevent themselves from predators this is why it was so attention seeking for me. I was glad I could witness it and capture it.”


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