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The Lincoln Project Wishes Donald Trump A “Happy Birthday” By Reminding Him Of Those Who Passed Away From COVID Because Of His Last Remarks Of Calling It A “Hoax”

The Lincoln Project, a United States political action committee, wishes Donald Trump a “happy birthday,” with a video attached.


The video reaches out to its viewers, asking Americans to mark the day of his birthday as a commemoration of the lives of more than 500,000 people who have fallen under the coronavirus pandemic.

The tweet states, “happy birthday, Donald,” and has blasted Trump’s past words as he called the coronavirus a “hoax” in many statements when he was still president. They serve to show their condolences to those who have passed away.


June 14th marks the day of the former president’s birthday, and the video shows a birthday cake with candles that are burning out as it presents the past words about the pandemic.


In his previous statements, Trump claims that the pandemic that has affected the whole world would most likely “go away” by April and that the virus is just “the same as the flu”.

Based on statistics and the tremendous amount of people that have fallen ill under the virus, more than 500,000 individuals in this case, shows that the blame is on Donald Trump for not acting correctly. As stated in the video, because of his “inaction, 500,000 Americans celebrated [their birthdays] for the last time”.


As Donald Trump celebrates his birth… “celebrate their lives instead” is what the video states.


Tara Setmayer, a senior advisor at The Lincoln Project, comments on the situation saying, “Let’s not Trump forget the over 400k Americans who won’t have the privilege of celebrating another birthday because of Trump’s sadistic, failed COVID-19 response.”


Setmayer adds “Damn Trump. Celebrate the lives of those lost.” As of last Monday, the statistics have come up to 599,769 people who have fallen under the virus. This is according to an online tracker that is maintained by the Johns Hopkins University.

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There have been more than 33 million people that have gotten the virus, and luckily not all of them have fallen under the disease’s deadly consequences.point 239 |


Happy birthday to former president Donald Trump, and as the Lincoln Project would like to project, hope that he and other Americans acknowledge those who will never celebrate another birthday again.point 168 | 1