Categories: DIYlife

10+ Pictures That Prove Creative People Think Differently From The Rest

To become a successful engineer, you need at least two years of studying to receive an engineering degree from MIT.


But we think that the people get an honorary for this kind of creativity.

Engineering has been called “design under constraint.point 109 | ” Engineers are required to create elegant solutions while working within various limitations, such as the laws of Nature, the desires of consumers, or local statutes.point 253 |


Every potential answer an engineer devises for a problem must be weighed against the realities of the physical world and other concerns such as public safety, a client’s requirements, regulations, available materials, and a finite budget.point 205 |


It takes creativity to get successfully from problem to solution, all while navigating a tangle of constraints.point 95 | 1

Engineers are too creative, and these pictures are the proof. Today we are sharing some funny but creative innovations with you.


1  “My friend, who constantly forgets to bring travel adapters”

2  “You see a ladder, I see a pedestal.”


3  He must be a book lover


4  No angle, no problem

5  Wow huge bike


6  Copy paste, copy paste

7  What a scooter


8  Save some money on school supplies

9  There must be an easier way to trim those hedges


10  What an idea

11  Central cooling system


12 It’s funny but it works

13  If it’s round, it goes


14  Ok, that’s genius

15  “Feeling pretty safe right now. Ok, this guy is a professional, but still.”