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Shameless Thief Tried To Steal Veteran’s Wallet During Remembrance Day

A shameless thief was confronted by a group of angry bikers after they saw him attempting to steal a veteran’s wallet on Remembrance weekend.


The incident occurred in Stafford, UK, where an unidentified veteran was giving away poppies while collecting donations for The Royal British Legion when he was targeted by a brazen pick-pocketer.

BPM Media – Stoke Sentinel

Fortunately, a group of nearby bikers witnessed what had happened, whereas one bearded man put the thief in a headlock in an instant.


The thief, who has been identified as 43-year-old Steven Norman, was seen keeping an eye on the veteran before attempting to snatch his wallet.

After the police arrived at the scene, the biker who restrained the thief released him and the police took him away. Later on, however, Steven was spared jail time due to pleading guilty to theft.

BPM Media – Stoke Sentinel

“Norman followed the victim up the high street towards us because that’s where he was coming. All of a sudden we hear a shout from a girl shouting, ‘stop, thief!’” Martin Burrows, a formal RAF member and a witness of the incident, recalled.


“He turned and ran in the wrong direction, straight into the Oxleather Motorcycle Club which probably wasn’t the cleverest escape plan.

“As shown in the video, they grabbed hold of him. I originally went up to him and gave him some home truths about what he’s done and reflect on it. I am in full uniform, beret, medals on, the lot.

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BPM Media – Stoke Sentinel

“He started accusing the lads of assault because apparently, this man is very good at the thieving stuff, but when it comes down to somebody standing up to him, he cries assault so that he becomes the victim.point 301 |


I took the video to protect the lads really.point 36 | I wanted to make it aware that if there are any more veterans within Staffordshire that might need help ringing the police.point 138 | point 141 | 1

Besides the bikers, several other veterans surrounded the thief in an attempt to teach him a lesson.

ITV News – Symbolic Image

Following the arrest, the man was fined $100 and ordered to pay his victim a measly $40, a sentence that other vets branded “pathetic.”


“He’s obviously a man with problems but that’s no excuse. What good is a fine? He’s got no money so I can’t see how he’s going to pay it without targeting someone else,” 57-year-old veteran Terry Williams, who also got involved in the incident, said.


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