Categories: Animals/Petslife

6 Unexpected Things That Dog Can Detect With Their Sense

We know that trained sniffer dogs use their senses, mainly their sense of smell to find out hidden drugs or bombs.


But even a regular pet dog can be good at using their sense of smell and can save your life.

Here is a collection of 6 things your dog can smell:


1. Glucose blood level


According to studies, dogs can smell a drop in the glucose blood level. The change of smell in our sweat helps them to identify the problem. Research also claimed that dogs can even notice our change of behavior.

2. Identify familiar person

Dogs are so good at identifying people that they can even recognize a familiar person or place even if the odor is mixed with perfume. Well trained dogs are distinguished “smell portraits” of identical twins and that is the reason they are used to search missing people.


3. Cancer

Dogs are great at recognizing the difference between malignant tissue and normal tissue and cancer tissue release a particular chemical that is different from normal tissue. They can detect lung cancer via breath and prostate or bladder cancer via the smell of urine. 


4. Interaction with other dogs

You will be surprised to know that your pet dog can even know about your interaction with other dogs. Actually, dogs send each other messages via pheromones that can be found in their urine, skin, fur, and fecal matter. The messages include the information about the breed, size, health and other features of the dog you were in contact with.


5. Pregnancy

A dog can detect if you are pregnant at the very early stages of pregnancy. They notice the slightest change in your body movements and their nose senses your body odor. The hormonal changes in your body can’t be hidden by your pet.


6. Changes in weather

Animals are closer to nature than humans and they can even notice the small change in the air, forecasting a storm or other disaster. Their prediction is almost correct.