Categories: Foodlife

5 Things You Should Not Do When Drinking Tea

We all are addicted to tea, it is our daily dose of energy.


We need one cup of tea regularly whether its green, black or white.

It is good in terms of giving you energy doesn’t mean that you should have it in any way or form that you like. Do you know what experts say about tea, according to them there are proper ways to drink tea? So it means that there are certain things that you should avoid when drinking tea.

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If you want to know the proper way to have this drink, keep on reading. Lots of people and families love to drink tea so they should know this most important thing before having it.


1. Drinking It Immediately After a Meal

Taking tea after a meal immediately is not good and it can effect on your digestion. And your body does not get all the food nutrients. According to experts, you should wait for at least an hour after eating to drink tea. If you have a problem with indigestion, take a cup of ginger tea that can improve the process of digestion.

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2. Drinking It for Taking Medications

It is not only nutrients that can be affected by taking tea, but also the most important ingredients in the medications you are taking, over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription alike. The best way to take your medications is with water. And you should not take medications, including especially antibiotics, even with milk because it can stop proper absorption.


3. Drinking It Scalding Hot

According to expert, extreme hot tea can burnt tongue and throat, and drinking very hot tea (or any other beverage) can considerably increase your risk of having cancer of the oral cavity, throat, esophagus, and stomach.


4. Drinking It Very Strong

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Most of the tea lover drink very strong tea, and experts are against to have strongly brewed tea. It’s true that the amount of caffeine in tea is less than the amount of caffeine in coffee. But it is also true that if you brew tea very strongly, and consuming it especially at night it can leave you sleepless.


5. Drinking It After a Day

You should drink your tea after brew it immediately, because the loads of antioxidants which found in it get destroyed the longer they are exposed to the elements. We never say to ban tea, but take it smartly. Little precautions can save you from any kind of illness.




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