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11 Things That Man Do That Can Melt ANY Woman On The Spot

According to Ranker, women desire men who are honest, loyal, and trustworthy above all other things.


But these qualities can’t be seen right away in a person.

Below, we’ve put together some features or actions of men that can immediately attract women. Though most of the points are backed by science, you can still disagree with one or more of them.


1. Taking interest in children

Women subconsciously get attracted to men who show interest in children. Such men are perceived by women to be ready for long-term relationships.

So if you want to conquer the heart of any woman, just make sure to engage with kids when you’re around her.


2. Exhibiting pro-social behavior


3. Making women laugh

Men with a good sense of humor look more intelligent and creative to women than their aloof counterparts, a study found. That’s why women feel attraction toward men who can make them laugh.


4. Growing a beard

Men with intermediate beards appeal the most to the women. It’s because the masculinity of men is perceived by the thickness of their facial hair.


Men who have full beards are also considered to be better parents.

5. Taking risks

Researcher G. William Farthing found in a study that women feel more attraction towards men who are willing to take risks. The study concluded that men who take heroic risks were viewed by women as more brave, impulsive, athletic, altruistic, conscientious, agreeable, and sexy than that of their risk-avoiding counterparts.


6. Wearing red clothes

Science says that men wearing red color are more likely to get attention from women.

It was established after a study in which men in red shirts were perceived as more attractive and higher in status by the participant women.


7. Taking care of dogs

Owning a dog indicates several things about a man.

For instance, it shows such men are able to commit themselves in long-term relationships. That’s why women are more interested in men who love taking care of dogs.


8. Putting some uncertainty

Indian film director Shekhar Kapur says, “I have devoted my life to uncertainty. Certainty is the death of wisdom, thought, creativity.”


Turns out, the same also applies to relationships. A study found that a woman gets more attracted to a man if she is uncertain about his liking towards her.


9. Building muscles

According to a study, women perceive muscular men to be sexier, more volatile, and physically dominant. But they’re also aware that such men are less committed to long-term relations.

That’s why men with moderate muscularity are more popular with women.


10. Looking older

It’s being said that a man only becomes better with age. Science explains why it happens.

As they age, the personalities of men develop due to their extensive life experiences. They also gain better control of the resources they have accumulated over the years. And the hint of wisdom in their eyes is more than enough to melt any woman.


11. Presenting themselves as high-status

It’s being said that money can’t buy love. But science disagrees.


It has been found that women feel attraction towards men posing near “high-status” objects, such as expensive cars or apartments.


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