Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

This Brainteaser Is Blowing People’s Minds! Can You Answer It Correctly?

q4 3 2.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - This Brainteaser Is Blowing People's Minds! Can You Answer It Correctly?

Some riddles are designed to blow your mind and this just might be the perfect example of what we’re referring to.


Here’s your golden chance to prove where you stand in terms of brainpower and logic as we bring forward another one of our mind-teasing challenges just for you! Remember, practice makes you perfect and we sure do hope we can make you have the confidence to complete challenges with a bang!

Source: Unsplash

For this particular task, we’re asking you one simple question. Can you see figure out the answer to this unique but tricky riddle? While the words are pretty simple, we’d like to inform you that it’s more than meets the eye!

Source: Unsplash

If you’re smart enough to read between the lines, we know you’ll end up getting it with a bang. But if not, then this might cause you a little trouble. Don’t forget to think outside the box because that’s what truly matters in the end!


Today’s challenge 

Alright, first things first! The riddle says that my mom is a dog but my dad is a banana! Sounds weird right, but wait, there is more. What am I, keeping these facts in mind. Okay, you’re time to think starts now! Good luck!

Source: Riddles and Answers

Are you ready for the final verdict?

The fact that you’ve made it this far into today’s challenge says a lot. Let’s see whether or not you came close to the right answer!

Source: Daily Paws

The right answer is a Chiweenie! Did you get it right or not?

If you’re a dog or a pet lover, we’re sure you managed to go all the way, and in case you didn’t no worries. Stay tuned for more similarly exciting fun and don’t forget to SHARE the article with others too!