Categories: life

Toddler Banned From Nursery Because of Her Deformed Skull

Is the appearance of a person is liable to choose what they hold for theirs? Or is it the factor that chooses I the child will get their education or not?


A mother of 2 years old toddler Sofya Zakharova, from Russia, has spoken out how her little girl was denied admission in a Nursery as she has a deformed skull.

The head of a nursery allegedly said that they cannot get the girl admitted in their school because her deformed skull will scare the other kids away.


Svetlana Gizatullina, the mother said that she was also told to apply for admission once they get the corrective surgery done for her daughter.


The corrective surgery for the toddler has been delayed for some reasons but the doctors say if the girl is not admitted in a nursery it will affect her development.

Ekaterina Belan, educational psychologist says that the little girl needs interaction and a nursery is the only place where she can have the required environment.


She said that interactions will help her accept who she is without denial of reality. The same will also help her in coping up with the conditions she is growing in.


Her mother said that when they had visited the nursery in a village in southern Russia, she was told that the deformed skull, and toes, and fingers of the little girl will scare all the other kids in the school and because of the same they will admit the girl.


She was also asked to revisit when the girl has had her corrective surgery done.


The family is also living in the worst conditions as they live in a house that has no running water, or gas to cook food.


A charitable trust now has decided to help the family so that their living conditions can be improved following her corrective surgery.

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