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Toddler Adorably Failed To Understand That He’s Supposed To Blow Out The Birthday Candles

Heather Ferguson / Rumble

Adult life seems to be a constant cycle of paying bills and shouldering increasingly heavy responsibilities and it’s no surprise that a lot of people experience at least some form of chronic stress because of this.


Even retirement doesn’t really remove one from this cycle because when one reaches one’s senior years, health issues suddenly take the forefront.

If one is being honest, there must have been at least a few instances when you wished you were a kid again. You had no responsibilities to speak of and all you had to worry about was what toy or game you were going to play with next.


Watch this kid who is confused as to how to blow out the candles.

[rumble video_id=v5m6sp domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

Of course, you’d be making that statement knowing what you know now. But if you can recall what it was like being a kid, there was a lot that you didn’t know and there were many things that you couldn’t do. Ironically enough, a lot of kids say that they can’t wait to grow up! The saying that the grass always looks greener on the other side has never been truer in this case.


Because kids are largely ignorant of the way life works, this can lead to some frustrating or hilarious situations (or even frustratingly hilarious situations) and in this case, it involved one kid’s inability to understand that he needed to blow out the birthday candles on his cake.

Heather Ferguson / Rumble

Birthdays are always a big thing and most especially for kids because birthdays at the very least mean gifts and new toys as well as birthday cakes. But during the early years, kids mostly just coast along and follow the prompting of their parents and this is how they learn how they’re supposed to act in certain situations.


For this little kid though, he just couldn’t get the concept of blowing out the birthday cake. The video starts with the kid seemingly throwing a tantrum and crying. Perhaps he’s already hungry or maybe he just wants to open his gifts already.


But then his family starts singing “Happy birthday!” and the boy stops crying and has an expectant look while the lady we can assume to be his mom brings him a small yet beautiful birthday cake with candles blazing on top.

Heather Ferguson / Rumble

The mom prompts the kid to blow out the candle and even demonstrates it for him but the boy takes his time in responding. He eventually blows a little bit but not enough to snuff out the candles. In fact, later on, he starts taking swipes of the icing with his fingers and licking them.


Probably tired at waiting so long, the mom finally blows out the candles and the family cheers as the clip cuts out. They’re likely cheering as much for finally getting it over with as they were cheering for the little kid.

