Categories: Foodlife

Toddler At Daycare Center Was Left With Severely Damaged Brain After He Accidentally Choked On Apple Slice

A barley-two years old child, Neihana Renata, is left with a severely damaged brain after the little toddler accidentally choked on to a slice of raw apple which was served to him in the daycare center.


The twin sisters of the toddler were accompanying him when the incident occurred at the Little Lights Kindy which is located in the northern Island of New Zealand, Rotorua. From a bubbly toddler, the poor child became almost paralyzed after the incident. He can barely move now.


The toddler was served with a peeled slice of raw apple by the staff of the daycare. This was a part of their routine, but unfortunately, the slice of apple got stuck in his throat, and he was deprived of breathing.


The incident occurred on the 31st of May, 2016. After choking, the child suffered from a massive cardiac arrest which eventually led to a severe cerebral palsy. As per the report of the witnesses, after the cardiac arrest of the child, he didn’t move or talk.


Even though the eyes of the child were open, but he couldn’t do anything else other than breathing.

Child forum

After the horrific incident, the toddler spent around two months in a hospital. His mother, who was by profession a doctor had to give up her job so that she could look after her poor son.


Even though the mom didn’t blame the teachers or the staffs of the daycare center for the incident, but she raised her voice against why a slice of raw apple, which is certified as a high-risk food for children was given to the toddler.

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As per the rules and regulation of the Ministry of Health, raw apple is considered as a hazardous food for the children below age five. They should always be provided with cooked or finely grated apple to avoid such circumstances.


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