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Tom Holland Wasn’t Allowed To Read The Avengers: Endgame Script

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Video Credit: Marvel Entertainment

Avengers: Endgame directors Anthony and Joe Russo revealed that there’s one superhero who isn’t allowed to have a script during shooting and that is Tom Holland, who plays Spider-Man.

Tom Holland wasn’t allowed to have a script for Avengers: Endgame, due to his past reputation for blurting out spoilers. And this has been confirmed by the movie’s co-director, Joe Russo.


“Yeah, Tom Holland does not get the script,” Russo said while appearing at a press event for the movie in Mumbai.

“Tom Holland gets his lines and that’s it. He doesn’t even know who he’s acting opposite of.


“We’ll just, we use like very vague terms to describe to him what is happening in the scene because he has a very difficult time keeping his mouth shut.”

Yes, indeed he does.

At the ACE Comic-Con event in Arizona last year, Holland explained that Joe and his directing partner, and brother, Anthony would keep him completely in the dark while filming.


“I remember for Avengers, the Russo Brothers are like ‘so you’re just standing here, and you’re fighting this guy and just do whatever’ and I’m like, ‘okay, who am I fighting?’” he said.


“And they were like ‘well, we can’t tell you because it’s a secret.’ I’m like, ‘okay so what does he look like?’ And they’re like ‘well, we can’t tell you because that would give it away, so I’m like ‘how big is he?’ ‘Well, we can’t tell you because that would give it away.’


“So, I’m just standing there punching the air for 15 minutes and when I took the job I didn’t think that’s what I’d be doing. I’ve gotten used to it now.”

Holland famously blurted out ‘Don’t worry! I’m still alive!’ to an audience at a preview screening for Infinity War last year, believing they’d all already seen the movie.


They had not.

All this, of course, does beg the question why he’d have a script for Endgame in the first place, or even be filming scenes in it, considering he was among those designated by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War.

Unless they’re flashback sequences, it would seem that time, and its potential reversal, in Endgame might be a possibility.


Or it’s just a big red herring.

Predictors at Exhibitor Relations have said they expect Avengers: Endgame to make an astonishing $282 million on its opening weekend in the United States.

Either way, we’ll find out when Avengers: Endgame is unveiled on April 25.




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