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A Tourist And A Sea Lion Shared A Peaceful Spot To Have A Nap In The Galapagos

A Canadian tourist was hiking along the Isabela Island beach in the Galapagos when he had an adorable encounter.


The temperature was soaring so he went to rest as soon as he found a spot to cool down. And guess what did he find there? A female sea lion already lazing around.

Watch the moment in the video below.

[rumble video_id=v65uh3 domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble


The friendly tourist, named Cameron, decided to quietly lay down. The sea lion didn’t bat an eye.

The hilarious video shows the two sharing the shady spot and lying under the shade like two old friends. After some time, Cameron got up and left, leaving the sea lion to snore away peacefully.


The Galapagos Islands are counted among some of the most beautiful places on the planet.


The islands harbor diverse flora and fauna. They are home to some amazing wildlife which makes them a hot favorite of nature lovers around the world.


If you ever happen to go to these islands, you would most definitely notice sea lions.

Funny and entertaining, they are everywhere to be seen on some islands. They usually spend most of their time on rocky seasides and beaches and come out daily to bask under the sun.


You might have tough luck winning over a spot on the beach for sunbathing since these funny creatures are already there!


Sea lions, also known as ‘sea dogs,’ are cheerful creatures and personality-wise, they resemble dogs.


On land, they might appear clumsy but underwater, they are quick and agile. You can photograph them but as per law, maintain a distance of 2m for safety and to give animals their personal space.

You can often see sea lions napping on walkways and paths, without worrying about the tourists bustling here and there.


Whether it is trucks, boats or any flat surface, sea lions in Galapagos don’t hesitate in napping anywhere!


