Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Train Your Brain To Figure Out The Answer To This Tricky Math Sum?

Without a doubt, math riddles are some of the best ways to pass time while giving your mind a chance to rewind on classic concepts.


Instead of sitting idle and passing those precious hours uselessly, we thought it would be interesting for our dedicated viewers to put their minds to the test and see what’s in store for them next. And trust us when we say, it’s a viral math challenge that has the world scratching their heads.

Source: Inc. Magazine

To be honest, the puzzle itself isn’t tricky at all. But that’s only if you understand the pattern involved and hence go about solving it to absolute perfection. Yes, this productive math venture has your name all over it. And we need you to succeed within the shortest time possible. 


So, do you think you’ve got what it takes to indulge with absolute greatness? If yes, scroll down below and let us know if you managed to solve it on your first go? Good luck and happy viewing!

Source: YouTube

The math challenge

Math puzzles are not only exciting, they’re a great way to give your brain a quick revision of concepts from the past that may appear old but are undoubtedly used today. See, that’s the great thing about math that most people don’t understand. 

Source: Mambee

The world of numbers and the techniques used to solve problems never changes. It’s used in your daily activities, whether you want to cook, manage your finances or simply make a purchase. Hence, whatever opportunity you get to strengthen those math skills, please take full advantage of it!


Alright, for now, we’re asking you to take a look at the graphic shown above and let us know what you think! HINT- we promise it’s easier than it looks, but that’s if you understand what the technique used for solving is.

The right answer 

Source: Educational App

By now, we hope you’ve figured out the right answer! And in case you answered yes, well, let’s take this opportunity and find out how well you really did.


The right answer is 36! All you had to do was make use of the order of operations. Did you manage to score correctly or not?