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Fitness Trainer Showed PERFECT Form By Balancing A Barbell On His Head While Doing Squats

Caters News Agency

We all know how important exercise is (even though not all of us do it).


But the good thing is that there are many different ways to exercise. Taking the extra time to walk from across the parking lot to your office is already a form of exercise. Doing housework is also a good form of exercise in the sense that you’re hitting two birds with one stone.

But if you’re going to get serious about exercise, what every fitness coach will tell you is that you need to maintain proper form.


Check out this trainer’s perfect form in the video below.

[rumble video_id=v5rnmt domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

Sure, you could easily hit a bicep curl especially if you’re only using a relatively light dumbbell but without the proper form, you’re not getting the most of what that exercise has to offer.

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Men’s Health

Yet it goes beyond that because the proper form will also help prevent a lot of injuries in the gym.point 198 | This is especially important when you’re doing compound exercises (movements that engage multiple muscle groups) using heavier weights.point 322 |


The clearest examples of this are deadlifts and squats.point 47 | Try doing a deadlift without proper form and you can easily suffer a pulled muscle or even a herniated disk.point 136 | 1

Of course, while everyone strives to maintain proper form, not everyone can maintain a PERFECT form. At least, not all the time. But one fitness trainer named Clive Bernard likes to challenge himself with his workouts which is why he ramped things up by balancing a barbell on his head while doing a squat.


Clive was at the Gachibowli Cult Fit Center in Hyderabad, India, when he decided to demonstrate his own take on the overhead squat.

Caters News Agency

First, he loads up the bar until it’s at 20 kg. With a towel as a cushion, he slowly places the barbell on the top of his head.


The 24-year-old then proceeds to perform a squat as he keeps the barbell balanced and even manages several repetitions while keeping perfect form.

Clive said: “I always love to try new things and once I saw a poor guy who was lifting a basket on his head and picking up garbage and that’s how I got this idea of doing squats balancing the barbell on my head.


“Everyone in the gym was shocked and couldn’t understand how I’d done it.”

