Categories: life

Transgender Man Said It Isn’t Fair That Women Don’t Want To Date Him

A transgender man, who was born as a female, has spoken out and said it wasn’t fair that women don’t want to date him just because of his transition.


As Lee Hurley told Vice, he believes that cis-gender individuals “have such a limited view of how gender and sexuality works.”


According to Lee, women always ghost him after he tells them he’s a trans man even though they seem to be interested in him prior to the announcement.


“As a trans guy, the majority don’t seem to know what to make of me, so they run away. I’ve played around with the big reveal and I know the two are linked. It’s hard not to see a connection when you arrange a second date, drop the T bomb and then she cancels in the next breath,” Hurley wrote.

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As he claimed, he also ran a practical test by creating three different dating profiles whereas only one of them described him as a trans man. According to Lee, the account that openly stated he was a trans man was subjected to lower engagement.


“I won’t lie. It got to me for a while. I’d be chatting with a woman, making her laugh and seemingly getting on well,” Lee added.


“Then I’d tell her and she’d vanish. Over and over and over. Before dates, during dates, after dates, it didn’t matter. The result was almost always the same.”


In an attempt to get to the bottom of the matter, Lee also spoke out on Reddit where he was slammed with mixed replies.

Samuel Kubani – AFP via Getty Images

Responding to comments of people who suggested that women probably don’t accept him because he doesn’t have male genitals and they want to have biological kids, Lee bragged of his “drawer full of di**s.”


“Not one of them has ever failed to get up, get hard, or get her off. Not something I can say for these all-singing, all-dancing, superd***s that cis men are apparently endowed with,” he wrote.


Concluding that it was society’s fault that he gets rejected, Lee added:


“That, really, is the whole issue in a nutshell. We hold trans people to a higher standard than anyone else when it comes to dating. We require of them more than we ask of others, all while constantly sending the message that trans people are somehow ‘less than.’”


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