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A Passenger Was So Triggered By The Man Eating On The BART Train He Called The Police On Him


Watch the video of the argument below.


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Rush-hour commutes can be a stressful time especially if you need to jostle among jam-packed buses or trains after a long day. That being the case, it would be understandable if some passengers easily get triggered by even the most minor infractions as one man did after he saw another passenger eating on the BART train.


The incident happened on the Dublin/Pleasanton BART line near the Fruitvale station during the afternoon rush hour. Video footage shows the passenger berating the man for eating a burrito on the train.

point 170 |

Technically speaking, the passenger was correct because it’s indeed illegal to eat and drink in the BART train and it even carries a $250 fine.point 403 |


Rules like this are important in order to maintain both cleanliness and hygiene.point 68 | There is an operational impact as well because if more manpower is needed to clean up any litter and spills, then operational costs also go up.point 186 | It could also translate to more downtime while trains are sidelined in order to be fully cleaned before the next run.point 283 | 1


The irked passenger can be seen yelling at the man who was eating, saying: “You can’t wait. A sign says no eating and drinking. You don’t get it? You don’t get it. You must be stupid. I’ve seen people like you on TV.”


But the man continues eating while the other passengers just laugh it off. Not willing to let it go, the other passenger even gets up to call the police on the man and approaches one of the train’s intercoms to call for police assistance.


However, the call seems to have been a bluff as a BART spokesperson told media that they received no calls or BART App Watch messages about a passenger violating the train’s no food and drink policy.


In the end, nothing happened and the burrito-eater got off his stop at the Coliseum station in Oakland.

Reddit user R0b815, presumably the one who filmed the footage, shared the video on the forum.

Cases similar to this have been reported in the Bay Area where people are often caught on video calling in the police or throwing a tantrum over what would otherwise be seen as trivial incidents.