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President Trump Awarded Conan The Hero Dog With A Symbolic Medal

Conan the Hero Dog who participated in tracking down ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi before the terrorist blew himself up has been reward a medal similar to the Medal of Honor by President Donald Trump.


The first-of-its-kind medal was given to Conan during the dog’s visit to the White House following the successful raid of the Special Ops forces in Syria in November.

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The White House

According to a Special Ops representative who spoke out in an interview with TMZ, the medal Conan received doesn’t have a name yet but has a similar meaning as the Medal of Honor which is “the highest award for valor in action against an enemy force which can be bestowed upon an individual serving in the Armed Services of the United States” according to CMOHS.point 558 | 1

The White House

While it has been confirmed that President Trump himself decorated Conan, no pictures of the medal have been released as of this writing.


The award ceremony took place one week after President Trump has honored Conan at the White House Rose Garden together with the First Lady Melania Trump and Vice President Mike Pence who couldn’t resist petting the dog despite the protocol.


“Conan is a tough cookie. No one is going to mess with Conan,” the president said. “This is the ultimate fighter. Ultimate everything. It’s incredible, the sense of smell, or whatever it may be.


“They were going to put a muzzle on the dog and I thought that was a good idea, but then it gets even more violent.”


During the ceremony, Trump used a wide variety of adjectives to describe the hardworking dog despite the fact that he and Melania refused to get a dog to live with them in the White House.


Among other words of praise, the president referred to Conan as “extraordinary,” “incredible,” “the ultimate fighter,” “tough cookie,” “very, very special,” and “so brilliant and so smart.”

While Trump praised Conan with words, VP Pence couldn’t resist caressing the pooch despite the protocol prohibiting touching of service animals.


“Conan is really a hero,” Pence said after scratching the dog’s head. In response to the warm approach taken by Pence, Conan waggled his tail and moved his head closer to the vice president’s hand.


One month prior to the ceremony, Trump hailed Conan as an “AMERICAN HERO” and announced that the dog would be coming to the White House soon.

He also shared a poorly photoshopped picture in which he superimposed Conan onto veteran James McCloughan to make it look as if the dog was receiving the Medal of Honor.


While this act received a massive backlash, McCloughan himself has spoken out and said he didn’t mind his picture being edited in the honor of the military dog.

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