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Trump Has Raised More Than $300 Million For His Re-Election Campaign As Democrats Are In Dismay



President is all set to run for the next presidential elections and it is coming soon in 2020.

What is the surprising thing next here is that Trump has turned into a money-making machine for his election campaign. 

As per a report, his re-election campaign has raised a huge fund and it is the highest amount of funds raised in the history of elections.


In a report generated based on the figures presented for the election campaign, Trump and the Republican National Coalition have raised $300 million but Trump alone has raised $158 million which is a massive amount of money.


None of the presidents in the history, who was already on the seat had ever been able to raise such a high amount for their re-election campaign.


This massive amount of money has put the democrats in worry as they can already see Trump filled with more power than any of his opponents.


 A strategist spoke out on the same saying, “What is scaring the Democrats the most is the number of resources he has.


He can use them anywhere and everywhere and can easily slide the vote bank towards him. The amount of money he has is just too much.” 

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Democrats have been able to raise a fair amount as well but the amount will be used for the entire party and the strategist is saying that what is happening is each candidate is investing money for their campaign separately and this is going to come out as a trouble because through this the entire party is not going to come out with sparks but it will only remain on one side of the line.point 534 |


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Although it looks like Trump is going strong as of now, the real power still lies in the hands of the voters. 

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