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According to a Historically Accurate Model of Election, Trump Will Have an Easy Win in The 2020 Elections

Yes, the elections are on their way.


No, they are not anywhere close in time as there are still 385 days to go but this will not stop anyone from making assumptions and predicting on who is going to win the throne of power and who is going to lose their dream of becoming the president of the United States of America.


According to the models that have been accurate on the historical measures, Donald Trump looks to be on the right path of victory with ease.


Moody’s Analytics used three models of election to predict which candidate has the most chances of winning in 2020 as per the models that are historically correct.


The three models were, how the consumers are feeling about their financial condition, how much gain the stock market has achieved in the tenure of Donald Trump, and the unemployment prospects.


The historically tested and correct models have never predicted wrong except for once in the 1980 elections.


Chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, Mark Zandi said: “If the conditions of the society and stock market remain the same in the coming year then there is a very high probability of Trump winning the 2020 elections.”


He added “The country is running great as of now, the unemployment is not really trouble and the finances have only been profitable to people. The common people are able to afford the common luxuries of life.”


In the last elections of 2016, Trump won with 304-227 against Hilary Clinton. And the upcoming elections, it is believed that he will have electoral 289 votes.

Working on the same, although democrats are demanding Trump to be imprisoned, the general public has been growing towards Trump. It is said and found out in several surveys that have been taken out in a time of about 2 years.


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