Categories: Entertainmentlife

An Influencer Admitted To Adding Fake Clouds In Her Photos

Tupi Saravia is the travel influencer and followed by many people.


People love her pictures. Recently, she confirmed that she had been putting fake clouds into her photos after people noticed the same cloud formations in different shots. The Influencer is now teaming up with the photo editing app to create more fake cloud patterns to use.

Saravia uses Enlight Quickshot, an app that’s developed a specific feature to add in clouds to overexposed photos of the sky. The company told BuzzFeed News it’s inked a deal with Saravia to come up with “a new cloud pack” she will personalize.


“We just got off the phone with Tupi — we’re going to work with her to create a new cloud pack based on cloud photos she curates,” a rep for Enlight Quickshot said.


It’s also playing around with the idea of having Saravia ask her now-314,000 followers to submit cloud patterns.

“[We’ll] possibly offer her followers to submit their clouds for her pack as well,” it added. “Details are still being ironed out.”


The influencer was criticized online after users noticed similar clouds throughout her Instagram feed. When BuzzFeed News talks to her, Saravia quickly copped to editing them and said she’s never hiding the fact that she puts fake clouds to her travel photos.


“I don’t see the big deal [here], I never lied about it,” she told BuzzFeed News at the time, responding to critics. “I haven’t done anything wrong, and it was never my intention.”

Since then, Saravia has gained more than 34,000 new followers. Her cloud-infused posts have become infamous among her fans.


They’re commenting with cloud emojis to stand in solidarity with her fake clouds.

When reached, Saravia confirmed the news herself and told BuzzFeed News a collaboration with QuickShot is exciting and “hilarious” to her.


“Quickshot is the one app that helps me with the composition of my photos when the sky is overexposed or burnt, so to have the possibility to work with them creating alongside my followers is hilarious,” she said.

“Plus, now I’ll have the option to change the clouds I use for all the people who pointed out that I use the same ones,” she added.




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