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Identical Twins Walked Down Hollywood Boulevard Wearing ONLY ‘Body Paint’

b side 1.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Identical Twins Walked Down Hollywood Boulevard Wearing ONLY 'Body Paint'

A pair of identical twins walked down Hollywood Boulevard in the same outfit while one of them just wore body paint instead of clothes to see if people could tell the difference.


The twins Hannah and Leah Stacey, 25, teamed up with body painter Jen Seide, 49, and her 18-year-old daughter Kennedy Walsh to see if people could recognize which one was wearing clothes and which one was not.


Jen posted the video on her YouTube channel and some people were smart enough to identify the difference while others could not. People were amazed after knowing that Hannah’s skin was actually painted, which looks like she was wearing clothes.


The video starts with mother and daughter paint Hannah’s body in the same outfit as Leah with a pair of faded jeans and a black tank top. Jen and her daughter paint Hannah’s body with perfection and it really looks like she is wearing clothes.


Then the experiment starts where they ask people to identify the difference. The first people they asked is a group of men dressed as Spiderman and characters from Pirates of the Caribbean. ‘We’re twins but can you tell the difference,’ they say.


‘I can,’ one of the men says. ‘Your jeans are lighter than her jeans,’ he adds referring to Leah’s pants which are a lighter hue than Hannah’s painted on jeans. And another man adds: ‘Your hips are a little bit wider than hers – you got a little bit plumper.’


Then twins ask them to touch the jeans and feel the difference which makes the men confused. After it, they ask another person to spot the difference and he says that their eyes are different from each other.  


Finally after asking so many people a man notices the difference, points to Hannah and says: ‘’She doesn’t have any clothes on.’’ Then twins reveal to the passer-by that Hannah’s outfit is in fact, body paint.


‘’Holy s**t, ‘That’s crazy – with the pants at first, I was like those are much bluer,’’ says one person.

An  older woman told Hannah that she’s ‘naked right now,’ simply smiles and says: ‘Good!’  


They also ask a pair of security guards if they can spot the difference, one says that they have different pants but the other immediately notices that Hannah doesn’t have clothes on.

Check out the full video of Hannah and Leah’s experiment on people here.