Happy parents have spoken out and revealed they were left “speechless” after their twins, who were born just half an hour apart, got born in different years.
As father Jason Tello and mum Dawn Gilliam explained, their first baby, little Joslyn, joined them on December 31 at 11:37 pm.
Exactly half an hour later, at 00:07 on January 1, baby Jaxon joined his sister and their parents. Due to coming out just minutes over midnight, however, Jaxon was born in a different year than his twin sister.
“We’re kind of speechless still,” the dad said after the birth which took place at Ascension St. Vincent Hospital in Indiana.
“They were like, ‘You might have to deliver today,’” the mum added in an interview with Indianapolis Star before claiming that doctors told her Joslyn would come out first.
“She’s been in position for most of the pregnancy. Of course, he was breech. So, it took a while for him to come,” she explained.
As the couple also explained, the pregnancy wasn’t entirely smooth. Previously, around the time for Thanksgiving, Dawn was told she might have to deliver the babies early due to complications with her blood pressure.
“Earlier, we talked about it would be great to have them born on different dates. But here we are with this surprise – different dates, different years. That was definitely interesting for us for sure,” father Jason said.
“I guess it doesn’t click that, ‘Wow! We had two babies.’ I’m like, ‘Wow! There’s actually two,’” Gilliam added in an interview with WBNS.
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